Friday, March 23, 2012

Here We Go!

Long story short, God has called me to use my engineering mind to help provide water solutions for the people of Southern Sudan! I can think of no better way to spend my life than putting my blood, sweat, and tears into a project that will sustain life and hopefully life everlasting...

But I can't take all the credit for what may seem like an extreme case of the "humanitarian urge." No I don't think I can save South Sudan, or even attempt to try for that matter (see George Clooney's recent endeavors or Kony 2012 for reference). God has given me a desire to follow in the footsteps of my great grandfather who was an engineering missionary in the Congo. Based on the stories told of him, he was just a quiet guy who loved solving problems as an engineer and had a servant's heart. My great grandfather was no Livingstone but he went to the Congo because God gave him the desire and abilities to go. God has done the same for me and I am eager to use what I have been blessed with!

This is the first of many posts, if you would like to join my SUPPORT TEAM shoot me a message and I will get you all the information and more that you need! Thanks and keep me in your prayers!

With much love,



  1. Hey, Grant! This looks really great! Two different people today gave me some info to pass on to you. First, Granddad said your great-grandfather created some kind of water flow from a lake to a stream to a pump...that would run from the force of the water dropping several feet from the lake to the stream (or something like this)in the Congo. Then, the pastor at our church has a friend who did some kind of water project in Africa...thought these might be some good contacts for you!

  2. Thanks Mom! Do you have any contact information for our pastor's friend? Maybe he can give me some ideas on how to better prepare for this trip.
